Hear how Dr. Dirk Stanley, CMIO at UConn Health, uses a CMIO checklist to keep change management organized. When done right, a little organization upfront makes things go much smoother during the tough parts. The checklist includes:
What is the definition and main purpose of this tool?
Who owns this tool?
Who builds this tool?
Who tests this tool? (Director of Regulatory Affairs? MD? RN? Clinical Director? Risk Management representative? CMO? CNO? COO? What committee(s)?)
Who approves this tool? (Med Exec Committee? Forms committee? P&T?)
Who codes this tool? (Who comes up with the coding scheme for this tool?)
What coding schema (naming convention) do you use? (E.g. a number like #2.12 or ABC-123?)
Who publishes this tool? How will your staff be able to find it to use it? In a common place?
Who tracks this tool? (What database tracks the tool, it's code, and its approval date?)
Who educates/implements this tool? (Who is responsible for spreading the word that a new tool has entered your clinical arena?)
Who monitors this tool? (Who looks at the tracking database and checks your quality data to look for problems with the tool or its design process?)
Check out his post at: