This week I cover a study from JAMIA about the completeness of problem lists; good info for you to compare how your system does versus what they found in the study for completeness and duplicates. The House approved a bill that moves us one step closer to having a unique patient identifier. Inbasket messages cause burnout and none of our EHR tools for efficiency work. Wait - that is not the real takeaway from the story about the JAMIA study on inbasket messages and burnout, but it does raise some interesting points on the topic.
I spend a bunch of time talking about the reporting requirements for COVID testing that went into effect Aug 1. Our health department said to hold off because they are not in a position to receive the data. Seems like HHS rushed this one. I also review how some of those measures are very vague and difficult for non-clinicians to answer. Those stories and more on this week's CMIO News to Know.
